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Pig Cam

Introducing Francis

[Francis bacon, a.k.a. 'Pig Cam']
Allow us to introduce our travelling companion, Francis Bacon, who will be risking life and ham to take aerial photos of the places that we are travelling through. When the weather conditions are right, he will be taking to the air to give us a Pig's Eye view - a chance to see the world a little differently.

[FlyCamOne - Boxed and Unboxed]
Francis has a rucksack on his back which is the perfect size for the Acme FlyCamOne - a nifty piece of technology which can take both stills and video, very light and small. After a little redesigning of the rucksack to make a hole for the lens, Francis shouldered the FlyCam and was ready for his first flight.

[Francis with 'Pig Cam' in his 'Pig Pak']
The following pictures are the first taken by Francis, over the fields by Fellside.

[First 'flight' over Fellside]


  1. It's time for the news with Bacon!

  2. "Acme" ???? I thought that was all made up by cartoonists. Looking forward to some interesting shots of the world.

  3. Hope its windy on Easter Island so that we can get some Pig Cam shots from Francis Bacon.

