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Saturday 7 July 2012

Full Moon Update

With apologies from Nick for missing it out, here is a short update to fill in the details of what we did for the Full Moon. It was while we were at the beach near Ephesus that the moon became full and because we couldn't get any champagne we decided to treat ourselves to gin and tonic in the campsite restaurant. So we surprised the barman, who seemed a bit unsure about how to make one, but he eventually poured us two very large Cyn (gins) and put tonic and ice in them. We took our seats in the shade looking out at the sunset over the sea and toasted the full moon.

Later that evening we saw the moon rise above the trees as we finished our eveing meal. It has been looking good since then.

Who knows whether we will get champagne or something fizzyforthe next one.

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